Wednesday, February 22, 2012

I Made it to 50!!!

Today was weigh in day & I finally made it to the 50 pound mark!  I have officially lost 51.5 pounds!!!!  I am so excited!!!  Can ya tell???

As it stands right now, I am at 230 pounds.  My ideal goal is to be down to 150 pounds.  That means I have 80 more to go.  Sounds like a lot, but I will get there.  I'm losing approximately 2 pounds a week - of course some weeks are higher and some lower.  Since I started this journey, I have only gained one pound one week. I think that is saying a lot.  I am doing this gradually so that I will be more successful and have a better chance of it working.  This is truly a change in lifestyle.  I don't think of this as dieting.  Thank you Weight Watchers and all my friends who are supporting me or going through the journey with me.  

For Valentine's Day, my sweetie brought home a huge card with a note and money attached.  The note said - "now go buy some smaller clothes"!!!  I was brought to tears.  To have him really notice what I was doing meant so much.  

I did go this week and pants one size smaller - almost to two sizes, but not quite!  My tops are one or two sizes smaller depending on the shirt.  It was so nice to be able to know that I could now shop on the average size side of the store - no more plus sizes!!!! YES!!!!!


  1. That is so amazing! Congrats! Definitely have fun fitting in smaller sizes! I lost about 25 pounds these past 6 months, so I know how AMAZING it feels!

  2. Congratulations!! A great achievement!

    Shelleyrae @ Book'd Out

  3. Congrats!!! New follower...from Hollow :)


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