
Friday, March 30, 2012

Let Bloggiesta Begin!!!!

This is my first Bloggiesta.  I am excited that I have a time set aside to get some much needed maintenance completed on my blog.  If I didn't have this time scheduled, then I would not make myself do it.  Bloggiesta runs from today through Sunday.  Thanks to our hosts - It's All About Books and There's a Book.  

So here's my To-Do list:

  1. Clean up my sidebars - get rid of old buttons and also organize the ones I keep.
  2. Make sure I have appropriate tags on all my posts.  Since I have only been doing this for about 3 months, that should not be too awfully bad right now.
  3. Pre-write and schedule some posts.
  4. Create templates for future posts.
  5. Update my list of reviews.
  6. Get my challenge updates page created and up to date. - started (still needs some updates)
  7. Take part in some mini-challenges
  8. And if I have some time - get some posts ready for the upcoming Blogging From A To Z Challenge that starts April 1.   I also made a list of books / topics for each of the 26 days
Additions / Completed:  
New Facebook Fan page:  So Simply Sara (go like it)
MrLinky & new meme - Friday Link Frenzy 
Commented on various blogs for Bloggiesta as well as Blogging from A to Z
Started Updating my 2012 Challenge page
Added LinkWithin Widget to posts
Started a post in Windows Live Writer

I hope you can take part!  I think this will be fun!!!


  1. Lots of plans, I hope you get a lot of them done. I've also crossed off a few items already.

    Making this time especially for working on the blog really works for me. Good luck!

  2. Good luck getting all of these done! It's my first time doing Bloggiesta too, I'm glad i found out about it, there's lots I wanted to update and what better way than this eh?

    1. Slowly but surely I am tackling my list plus more as I find it. I didn't realize just how big updating my challenge page would be.

  3. I've got to schedule some posts too! Bloggiesta has been really helpful so far and it's interesting to see everyone's goals. Good luck!

  4. Did my comment go through? It disappeared!

  5. Good job on the challenges!!! :) I also updated my review archive!
