
Wednesday, June 13, 2012

Caged Moon by Rachel Deagan: Review & Interview

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Caged Moon by Rachel Deagan
Publisher:  Self-Published
Publication Date:  January 18th 2012
ISBN:  1468194992
Genre:  YA Paranormal Romance
Book Synopsis:  Haunted by an animal attack, seventeen year old Charlotte feels she is being followed. When she runs into a mysterious boy while camping, she’s afraid. Nothing seems right about him. Despite trying to stay away, there is an unmistakable draw to be near him. Even his scent smells familiar. But the closer she gets, the faster the secrets begin to unravel. Not only is he not human, he may have a link to her past. When Charlotte finds out someone wants her dead, she is torn between love and fear. Can she trust him to keep her safe?
My Thoughts:  Fast-paced, fun-to-read, and full of action!!! 

My first impressions when starting this book, was "Wow!  How easy to read.  What a breath of fresh air.  I'm gonna love this one!"  And, you know what, my first impressions were right on!!!  I sat down and read it in one stretch.  It was that good!

I have really enjoyed the shape-shifter books that I have read this year, and this one is no exception.  If you love werewolves, you don't want to miss this one.  

Charlotte is just a very real character.  Her actions are so natural, nothing phony there.  You can genuinely understand her reaction to dogs for everything she has gone through, and now you throw her into the mix of a werewolf pack!  

Liam and his pack were a little different than those I have read about before. I enjoyed their interactions within the pack, as well as with Charlotte.  Their treatment of her was very supportive and friendly.  I liked the funny characters in the pack - had some good laughs. 

I found myself wanting to know what was going on - the mystery involved kept me turning to the next page.  This is a great thriller.  The only thing that I thought was somewhat off, was the almost instantaneous pace of Charlotte and Liam's relationship - there was really no build-up.  And, personally, I enjoy that build-up.  

Overall - wonderful book.  High marks from me.  Good news too - this is the beginning of a trilogy!!!!  So, you can look for more to come!

About the Author:  Rachel grew up in small town Massachusetts where she spent most of her time writing about strange paranormal creatures instead of paying attention in class. She has always been considered the ‘dreamy’ one with her head in the clouds. She now lives in Nevada with her two sons, a cat, and a rat named Sam.

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I would like to welcome & thank Rachel Deagan for stopping by my blog.  

If you could write with another author, who would it be? 
I would have to go with my good friend, Rox Alvarado. She is the writing partner I could have only dreamed of. We have already co-written one novel together, which is on that back burner right now while our focuses are on some of our solo works. She is an amazingly, creative writer, and a great inspiration to me.

If you could become a character in any book (yours or another author), who would it be? Why?
This is a tough one. As much as I love being in different character’s heads while reading, or writing, they usually have some major life problems going on that in reality I wouldn’t want – like being tormented, or hunted by a demon, or they lost their family in some horrible accident. You get the idea. That aside, I’d have to say, Charlotte. She has parents that love her, a stable family, a best friend, a hot boyfriend willing to die for her, and she has some pretty cool powers.

What was your favorite book when you were child?
As to picture books, I can’t remember one that particularly stood out from the rest, but as an older kid, I was obsessed with the Black Stallion Series. I was really into horses as a kid.

What is the best advice anyone has ever given you? 
Have faith in yourself.

Is there something readers would be surprised to find out about you or your book Caged Moon?
One funny tidbit, that I don’t think many know, is that Charlotte’s father was actually created in my own father’s likeness. My father was the small town doctor who was obsessed with birdwatching. He even did have CDs he’d play to learn the bird calls. 

What was your inspiration for Caged Moon? 
I’ve always had a fascination with werewolves and knew if I were to ever write a book, it would carry that theme. But when I started writing it, I didn’t want to just retell any old werewolf story. I wanted the angle and ‘powers’ to be something above and beyond just the werewolf idea. I decided to make Charlotte unique. (not giving anything away) I’m big on paranormal romance, but also love an on the edge of your seat fantasy thriller. With all of these things in mind, I mixed them up, and created Caged Moon.

Do you have any books in the works right now? 
Yes! I just don’t have time to write them all. :P Caged Moon is the first book of a Trilogy in the making. Lunar Passing, Book 2 of the Trilogy is coming out this winter. The tension in this book has gone up ten fold. Questions from Book 1 are answered, and a whole new landscape of subplots have surfaced. The twists, turns, and character development are insane.

I also have another YA trilogy in the works, with the working title, The Star Children. This is a paranormal/scifi/fantasy mix. Book 1 of that trilogy is almost completed, but has been placed on the back burner while I focus on the Caged Moon Trilogy. There is one other completed co-written novel I have on hiatus as well.

Anything else you’d like to share with readers? 
Keep an eye out for Alpha Moon, the companion novella from Liam’s POV, which is coming out June 17th! :) 

I’d also like to give an enormous thank you to all my readers, and for some of the wonderful words you’ve sent my way. Without you, non of this would be possible. Thank you! :) 

Rachel, thank you for stopping by & sharing more about yourself and Caged Moon.  I always enjoy getting some inside information!!!!

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