
Tuesday, May 22, 2012

If I Could Spend the Day with a Book Character.........

Tell Me Something Tuesday is a fun weekly meme hosted by Cambria @
Each week there will be a new question to answer and share.  This is a great way for bloggers to get to know one another.

This week's question:  
If you could spend a day with a book character who would it be and what would you do?

Wow, what a tough question!!!  I have so many that I'd like to visit, and for so many different reasons.  I have thought about a character that would just be plain fun to hang out with, then I have thought about historical characters - because I have always had a fascination for history, and I have even thought about weird, odd-ball characters - just because.  

Who would I visit?  I finally decided to just keep it simple - but pull something from an older book.  I would thoroughly enjoy spending a day with Claudia and her brother, Jamie, from From the Mixed-Up Files of Mrs. Basil E. Frankweiler.
Why?  This book is so fun!!!  Claudia and Jamie run away from home - but they aren't really running away, so much as running to something.  They run to the Metropolitan Museum of Art.  Could you imagine taking up residence in a museum?  

I always complain that I never have enough time to really check out the displays in a museum.  Again, I am totally fascinated with history and the such.  I could spend all my free time in a museum!!  To actually spend a day living there, in my opinion would be AWESOME!!!!!

So, it isn't so much about who I am visiting here, as where I am going!!!!  However, I do think that Claudia's thoughts into selecting where they were running to were quite interesting!  I think I would have fun with her and Jamie.  

Who (or where) would you visit?


  1. Hi Sara! I haven't read this book but boy is sure sounds like fun! Spending a day in a museum would be very exciting. :) Great answer!

  2. Hello, Sara! I agree, living in a museum would be cool! I haven't read this book yet, but I'll defiantly be picking up now! :)

  3. Hi Sara!

    I love the idea of spending the day in a museum. I am fascinated with history so I would be quite happy!
    Interesting sounding book!:-)
