
Monday, April 2, 2012

What Bloggiest Did For Me

bloggiestalogoI signed up for Bloggiesta not knowing the full impact that I would find!  I thought I’d get a few tasks completed that I had been putting off.  I’d visit a few fellow Bloggiesters’ blogs and see what they had accomplished.  There would be a few challenges, and then go back to my regular schedule. 

Was I ever surprised!  All of those things did in fact happen.  But there was so much more involved.  In addition to the tasks I had identified on my To-Do List, I found other tasks that I had not thought of when I visited the other blogs.  My list of things I’d like to get accomplished eventually, grew by leaps and bounds.  Would I get them completed during Bloggiesta this year – not by any stretch of my imagination!!!!  This new list will have to be accomplished throughout the year.  I am in the process of creating a blog planner so that I can schedule in the time to do some of these things.  You see, by scheduling the time to participate in Bloggiesta, I made myself do what I need to do.  So, I figure if I schedule that time, I will do the same. 

In addition to all that, I did participate in some of the challenges.  Boy, were there some great ones to be had!  Many of the challenges offered tutorials and/or advice in what makes a successful blog.  I have learned how to use Windows Live Writer, how to create text boxes (I had looked all over for this one, and finally have that info!  Yeah!!!), more information on SEO, etc – and all of this from fellow bloggers that I have come to admire. 

I know for a fact that I will participate again next year!  Hope to see you there!

A to Z Badge 2012 (1)


  1. I've really enjoyed Bloggiesta-ing, too!! So many things to learn & do!!!! :-D

  2. What a great thing about bloggiesta - more goals for the rest of the year!
