
Thursday, April 19, 2012

Quality Matters!

Just having a blog and making any ole post won't cut it!  You have to have some quality about it!  You need to have something that fuels your readers. You have to be creative and offer something that will interest your readers.  You won't necessarily capture all your readers every day, but you should spike their interest often.  You should interests someone in each post.

What can you do to have quality posts? 
  • Post about something that interests you.  You need to know something about what you are writing about.  You have to have a point-of-view.  And, your point-of-view is not going to agree with everyone.  That's OK.  You want some conversation.  That leads to good comments.  Hopefully, you will get some good quality comments going as well.  But you can't have that if you don't have quality content first.  
  • Don't ramble.  Keep it short.  If you write too much you are likely to lose your readers anyway.  Most blog readers hop from blog to blog and want to grab and go.  It is better to write less and write it well than to ramble.  Don't try to fill the space.  Add quality content to your writing!
  • Break it up and ad visuals that add to your content.  Attractive pictures can speak volumes.  
  • Add links to further information - whether it is more information on your blog or others.  
  • Read & follow other blogs.  Chances are if you are attracted to it, so are others.  Notice that the ones that interest you have a particular style.  Don't copy their style or content, but come up with your own knowing what draws attention.
  • Lastly, involve your readers.  You might be able to add content based on comments from your posts.  
What are your thoughts on quality blogs?  What do you look for when you are reading a blog?

1 comment:

  1. Hi Sara,
    You were one of my random stops from the A-Z challenge. Most I stop by and read one post and move on. Your page, writing, and blog site drew me in as has your evident love of books. I found my self here reading through a number of your back posts. I love the ones where you have shared tips like this one.

    I have enjoyed your blogs and will now go click the follow button so I can keep track of you.

    Now I better go write my own post for "s".

    Blessings, Margot
