
Friday, April 13, 2012


I find including links in posts are very important in blogging about books.  The more information you can provide your reader on the book or author the better.  You want to get that book out there - more contact.  I know when I visit blogs, I am always looking for more links - I click on  the book covers, and anything I can find.  Is there a link to Goodreads so that I can add it to my to-read list (if only for a reminder later) - especially if it is not released yet?  Is there any information about the author?  - I want to know if this author has written any more books?  Where can I buy it?  What formats can I get the book in?  I'm also finding that I am now looking for other book reviews for the particular book.  I haven't started linking other reviews to my posts yet, but I will soon.  If I am looking for this on other blogs, surely others are too.  And these are just the basic links.
Links are also important for getting your blog noticed - important for SEO (search engine optimization).  One of the first things you can do is create internal links.  You should create links from one web page or post to another..If you have posted a review earlier, and you are mentioning the book in a new post, refer your readers back to that review.  Encourage your readers to stay on your blog longer.
External links - links from an outside source back to your blog is also vitally important.  Start building relationships with other bloggers.  Take part in memes.  Are you part of any reading challenges?  How about blogging challenges?  These are just a few examples of how you can start building external links.  Get some traffic coming into your blog.  In saying this, you need to also think about your content.  Once the visitors get to your blog, you want to have some great content for them to read.  Again, you want them to stay a while - and want to come back.

How do you handle links?  What is your advice?

1 comment:

  1. I don't link to older content but, after reading this I' going to start doing so. I'm such a newbie to this stuff (3 months) that I love it when I learn something I can actually do. Thank you.
    Rhia from Five Minute Piece for Inspiration (about # 787 on A through Z list)
