
Thursday, April 12, 2012

Kindle, Kobo, Nook Which One Should You Have?

E-readers are popping up everywhere - Everyone seems to have one - New ones are coming out of the woodwork!  So, which one should a person own?

It is quite confusing when you start looking at it all.  I have visited Amazon, Barnes & Noble, Kobo, and so many sites investigating the pros and cons of each reader.  And when you get digging deeper, each one of these  companies have more than one e-reader available at various prices - making it even more confusing!!

We have the Kindle DX at the school I work in - for our special education department.  These are the larger Kindles with the keyboards.  The size makes them kinda bulky, but the students love to use them.  This one is also quite pricey @ $379.

I have owned a first version of the Nook - but had lots of trouble with the e-ink.  It messed up with one drop - and I had to learn the hard way that if you did not buy the extended warranty, that you were S.O.L.!  And guess what - I didn't!!  If I had, they would have replaced it.  I was informed that they did not "fix" them.  

I later bought a first version Kindle for my daughter.  It has similar issues with the e-ink.  I dd learn to get the warranty.  I bought it from Best Buy and when we had issues, they did replace it for me.  

I later bought a Nook Color - just had to have one!  Bought it shortly after they came out!  I love it!!!!  I have not had any problems with it at all.  I have even dropped it a few times!!!!  The color and back-lit screen makes it very attractive and easy to read.  This was my first tablet device.  
Now, I have an iPad 2.  All of the teachers at our school have one, so I don't actually own it, but use it on a regular basis.  On it, I have various e-book apps.  I have the iBook app,  Nook app, the Kindle app, the Kobo app, the Audible app, and various others.  Some think I am crazy because I have all of them and ask me why I don't just stick to one.  Well, I do use all of them.  The books may vary in price from one device to the other - although they are pretty close.  Often times, one company will offer different specials on e-books - Kobo does this often!  Kobo also has a social networking aspect to it - connecting to Facebook.  Audible is for audio books - gotta love those!!!!  And of course, there are the fee books!  Each of the apps offer free books, but I have found that the Kindle app offers more than the others.  Since starting my blog, I have found that authors often offer their books for free for short periods of time -and Kindle is where they are offered!
Since getting the iPad, I have given my oldest daughter my Nook Color.  She reads often and I thought someone should put it to use.

So, what e-reader do you use?  Love to hear everyone's thoughts.


  1. Personally, I use an Ipad, because I got it as a birthday present from my sister and she definitely did a very good choice.
    I love everything about this small, great and portable device. Having it everywhere with me is simple... it perfectly fits in my bag.
    Also, I can have hundreds of eBooks downloaded from All you can books ... a site very useful for all the "bookworms".

  2. I have a Kindle, one of the first generation models, and I love it. I love it a lot more than I ever thought I would.

    My significant other has a Nook Color. But he did some techo hocus pocus to it and turned it into a tablet onto which he installed the Kindle app.

  3. I'd be happy with anything but a Kindle!! Proprietary file formats for the lose. An e-reader that can't read epubs should not exist.

    I have a Kobo; I think it's the first one they came out with. It was my boyfriend's, but he recently got a tablet so now the Kobo's pretty much mine. :)
