
Monday, April 16, 2012

The Happiness Blog Tour and Giveaway

Bryan Cohen here, guest poster and author, promoting my new book The Post-College Guide to Happiness for The Happiness Blog Tour. I'm giving away free digital review copies of the book and doing a giveaway for paperback copies, audio copies and even a Kindle Fire! Read on and check out the info below the post.
"They say a person needs just three things to be truly happy in the world. Someone to love, something to do, and something to hope for."

- Tom Bodett
The Three Amigos

When I was in middle and high school, all I wanted was a girlfriend. I imagine I was majorly influenced by television and movies, but I thought that all I needed to be happy was someone to hold my hand and tell me she loved me. In college, while the love game was still my number one priority, I began to have inklings of what I wanted to do in creative fields like writing and theatre. Not surprisingly, even in times when the love thing wasn't working out, I was happier than I used to be and when both engines were clicking, life was grand.

It wasn't until I entered the real world that I learned about life goals and trying to achieve them. I pushed myself to inspire others and to help them to push past mental blocks. When I finally had the three amigos all synced up: someone to love, something to do and something to hope for, I felt a calm bliss I'd rarely experienced in having any of the other three by their lonesome. Keeping all three going at the same time is a challenge, of course. If I let my goals slide for a week, I noticed increased fear and unease beginning to set in. If I try to do work for extra money that doesn't suit my calling, I get cranky in a hurry. If my girlfriend and I fight, it certainly brings me down a peg or two.

But because all of the three amigos are in my life, there are some truly wonderful and joyous times that money, power and other happiness substitutes could never provide. Remember that part of the equation is that these three things must be things that you want for yourself that increase your happiness. If you love someone that doesn't love you back, if you do something you despite and you're hoping for someone else's dreams, you probably won't be happy. For true happiness, get these three amigos into your life and you'll notice a major difference.

-- Bryan Cohen is giving away 61 paperback and audio copies of The Post-College Guide to Happiness and a Kindle Fire between now and May 7th, 2012 on The Happiness Blog Tour. All entrants receive a free digital review copy of The Post-College Guide to Happiness. Bryan hopes to give away at least 1,000 copies during the blog tour. To enter, post a comment with your e-mail address or send an e-mail to postcollegehappiness (at) Bryan will draw the names at the end of the tour. Entries will be counted through Sunday, May 6th.
Bryan Cohen is a writer, actor and comedian from Dresher, Pennsylvania. He graduated from the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill in 2005 with degrees in English and Dramatic Art and a minor in Creative Writing. He has written nine books including 1,000 Creative Writing Prompts: Ideas for Blogs, Scripts, Stories and More, 500 Writing Prompts for Kids: First Grade through Fifth Grade, Writer on the Side: How to Write Your Book Around Your 9 to 5 Job and his new book, 1,000 Character Writing Prompts: Villains, Heroes and Hams for Scripts, Stories and More. His website Build Creative Writing Ideas helps over 25,000 visitors a month to push past writer's block and stay motivated.  

Feel free to follow along with the tour at The Happiness Blog Tour Hub Page or on the book's Facebook Page.


  1. Thanks Sara for letting me be a part of your blog today!

    Dear readers, feel free to enter with your e-mail address below! :)

    1. So glad to have you here! Your book is so positively "happy"!!!! Love the little blurb here. So fun!

  2. Nice post today, Bryan. Always such thoughful sentiments.
    catherinelee100 at gmail dot com

  3. great post Bryan!
    definitely working on getting that 3rd amigo in place !!
    thanks for the encouragement...

  4. And thanks FHC! Your comment just popped up there :).
