
Tuesday, March 27, 2012

Spring Fever: Top Ten Books I'd Play Hooky With

Top Ten Tuesday is an original feature/weekly meme hosted by  The Broke and the Bookish.  Each week we are given a new theme in which to post a top ten list.    

Each week a new theme for a Top Ten list is posted. Everyone is welcome to join. Post your responses on The Broke and the Bookish along with a comment on their post.  This week we are to list the top 10 books that we we have spring fever over - which ones could we play hooky with!!!  

What a super topic!  Although, I could play hooky with any book.  Just put a book under my nose, and I could find myself lost.  I'm looking so forward to spring break coming in a couple of weeks!!!!  These are all books that are on my To-be read list.

Click on each book cover to be taken to Goodreads for more information about each one.

Leave a link to your Top 10 Books on your spring TBR list in the comments.  I just might add them to mine!!!


  1. Carpathia looks damn good.

    And AH! I love the cover of The Dressmaker.

    I know I'd definitely play hooky to read A Breath Of Eyre.

    Awesome list! :-D
    My TTT

  2. What a great list! Article 5 and Dearly, Departed are both books pretty high up on my never ending wishlist. I hear you on the hooky part. Give me a great book and I want to just stay in that world until the final page is read :)

    I haven't done a Top 10 list but if I were to I would have these titles on my list(all of them I've already read)

    Pandemonium by Lauren Oliver
    Daughter of Smoke and Bone by Laini Taylor
    Jellicoe Road by Melina Marchetta
    The Circle by Elfgren/Strandberg(Swedish YA fantasy coming out in the UK in June actually. Highly recommended by me :D)
    Warm Bodies by Isaac Marion
    Knife by R.J. Anderson
    Perfect Chemistry by Simone Elkeles
    The Hunger Games by Suzanne Collins
    Wonderstruck by Brian Selznick
    The Time Traveler’s Wife by Audrey Niffenegger

    I know you didn't ask but what can I say I felt like sharing ;)

  3. Great list! I think I'm seeing a little pattern here with Titanic related books!

    Here's my TTT:

    1. Yep! Many Titanic related book. Being that it is the 100th anniversary year, I've got some great books on my TBR list.!!! 18 days until the actual day!!

  4. I totally want to read Dearky Departed.

    Amy @
